127 lines
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127 lines
4.4 KiB
# helpers/replicator.py
import asyncio
import asyncpg
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import sys
import os
async def load_config():
config_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'config' / 'db.yaml'
with open(config_path, 'r') as file:
return yaml.safe_load(file)
async def check_table_existence(conn, tables):
for table in tables:
exists = await conn.fetchval(f"""
SELECT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_name = $1
""", table)
print(f"Table {table} {'exists' if exists else 'does not exist'} in the database.")
async def check_user_permissions(conn, tables):
for table in tables:
has_permission = await conn.fetchval(f"""
SELECT has_table_privilege(current_user, $1, 'SELECT')
""", table)
print(f"User {'has' if has_permission else 'does not have'} SELECT permission on table {table}.")
async def replicate_tables(source, target, tables):
print(f"Replicating tables from {source['ts_id']} to {target['ts_id']}")
conn_params = {
'database': 'db_name',
'user': 'db_user',
'password': 'db_pass',
'host': 'ts_ip',
'port': 'db_port'
source_conn = await asyncpg.connect(**{k: source[v] for k, v in conn_params.items()})
target_conn = await asyncpg.connect(**{k: target[v] for k, v in conn_params.items()})
source_version = await source_conn.fetchval("SELECT version()")
target_version = await target_conn.fetchval("SELECT version()")
print(f"Source database version: {source_version}")
print(f"Target database version: {target_version}")
print("Checking table existence in source database:")
await check_table_existence(source_conn, tables)
print("\nChecking user permissions in source database:")
await check_user_permissions(source_conn, tables)
# Dump all tables to a file
dump_file = 'dump.sql'
dump_command = [
'-h', source['ts_ip'],
'-p', str(source['db_port']),
'-U', source['db_user'],
'-d', source['db_name'],
'-t', ' -t '.join(tables),
'-f', dump_file
env = {'PGPASSWORD': source['db_pass']}
print(f"\nExecuting dump command: {' '.join(dump_command)}")
dump_result = subprocess.run(dump_command, env=env, capture_output=True, text=True)
if dump_result.returncode != 0:
print(f"Dump stderr: {dump_result.stderr}")
raise Exception(f"Dump failed: {dump_result.stderr}")
print("Dump completed successfully.")
# Restore from the dump file
restore_command = [
'-h', target['ts_ip'],
'-p', str(target['db_port']),
'-U', target['db_user'],
'-d', target['db_name'],
'-f', dump_file
env = {'PGPASSWORD': target['db_pass']}
print(f"\nExecuting restore command: {' '.join(restore_command)}")
restore_result = subprocess.run(restore_command, env=env, capture_output=True, text=True)
if restore_result.returncode != 0:
print(f"Restore stderr: {restore_result.stderr}")
raise Exception(f"Restore failed: {restore_result.stderr}")
print("Restore completed successfully.")
# Clean up the dump file
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred during replication: {str(e)}")
print("Exception details:", sys.exc_info())
await source_conn.close()
await target_conn.close()
async def main():
config = await load_config()
source_server = config['POOL'][0] # sij-mbp16
target_servers = config['POOL'][1:] # sij-vm and sij-vps
tables_to_replicate = [
'dailyweather', 'hourlyweather', 'short_urls', 'click_logs', 'locations'
for target_server in target_servers:
await replicate_tables(source_server, target_server, tables_to_replicate)
print("All replications completed!")
if __name__ == "__main__":