- Mark chat quality tests, register custom mark for chat quality
- Filter unhelpful deprecation warnings from within dateparser library
- Error if tests use unregistered marks
- Set context by either including last 2 chat messages from active
session or past 2 conversation summaries from conversation logs
- Set personality in system message
- Place personality system message before last completed back & forth
This may stop ChatGPT forgetting its personality as conversation progresses given:
- The conditioning based on system role messages is light
- If system message is too far back in conversation history, the
model may forget its personality conditioning
- If system message at end of conversation, the model can think its
the start of a new conversation
- Inserting the system message before last completed back & forth should
prevent ChatGPT from assuming its the start of a new conversation
while not losing personality conditioning from the system message
- Simplfy the Khoj Chat API to for now just answer from users notes
instead of trying to infer other potential interaction types.
- This is the default expected behavior from the feature anyway
- Use the compiled text of the top 2 search results for context
- Benefits of using ChatGPT
- Better model
- 1/10th the price
- No hand rolled prompt required to make GPT provide more chatty,
assistant type responses
- Remove unneeded type ignore for mps with the latest mypy
- Stop excluding PyQT desktop GUI code from MyPy checks
- Do not warn about unused ignores. Some issue with mypy giving
different errors in different environments (venv, system and pre-commit)
- Why
- pyprojects.toml is the python standards compliant config format
- allows collating python tooling configs into single standard file
- hatch(-ling) is a new lightweight build system for python packages
- Detailed Changes
- Replace setup.py, setuptools with pyproject.toml, hatchling for
khoj python config and build
- move pytest into optional development dependencies
- add more links to khoj in the project urls section
- add topic classifiers and keywords to find khoj package
- Delete setup.py, MANIFEST.in as moved to pyproject.toml based setup
- Update pypi workflow to set python package version in pyproject.toml