- Pass Loading message, class name via props to both inline and normal
loading spinners
- Pass loading conversation message to loading spinner when chat
history is being fetched
- Create profile card componennt. Use it for agent profile card
- Pass agent persona from khoj server via API
- Put link to agent profile page in the hover card to make it 2 clicks
away. Othewise inadvertent clicks on agent in chat view lead away to
agent page
- Use tailwind line-clamp extension to clamp card to first two lines
- Reuse class name when get slash command icons
- Previous chat input styling didn't have the cursor centered in the
chat input text area. But it did allow seeing multi line chat inputs
for context
- Because we're using a FastAPI api framework with a Django ORM, we're running into some interesting conditions around connection pooling and clean-up. We're ending up with a large pile-up of open, stale connections to the DB recurringly when the server has been running for a while. To mitigate this problem, given starlette and django run in different python threads, add a middleware that will go and call the connection clean up method in each of the threads.
- Issue
The Khoj docker build would fail with `ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`. This was required by the Khoj RapidOCR python package dependency.
- Fix
A minimal set of system packages have been added to resolve this issue.
- Transcribe on holding Ctrl+s keyboard shortcut
- Transcribe on holding the transcribe button pressed via mouse too
- Make the transcribe button robust to inadvertent touches by using timeout
- Do not transcribe, trigger auto-send on silences. Silence detection
is super rudimentary, just blocks standard emanations by whisper
when no speech
### Fix
- Fix degrade in speed when indexing large files
- Resolve org-mode indexing bug by splitting current section only once by heading
- Improve summarization by fixing formatting of text in indexed files
### Improve
- Improve scaling user, admin flows to delete all entries for a user
- Split once by heading (=first_non_empty) to extract current section body
Otherwise child headings with same prefix as current heading will
cause the section split to go into infinite loop
- Also add check to prevent getting into recursive loop while trying
to split entry into sub sections