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synced 2024-12-19 10:57:45 +00:00
To improve the developer experience for front-end development, we're migrating to Next.js. In order to do this migration page-by-page, we're using static site generation via Next.js. This also helps us avoid making cross site requests from front-end to back-end for the time being, while giving a ramp to separating out server and client if needed for scale down the road. Dev instructions for using the next.js setup are in the added README. This adds scaffolding for including the built files in the python package as well as the docker images. Docker setup has been tested locally. In order to verify the build is working as expected, we can navigate to the {khoj_host}:42110/experimental and verify that the experiment page comes up. This setup works with serving static files included in the src/interface/web folder from the Django app. The key bit for understanding the setup is in the yarn export command in package.json.
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