specified for the same layer. This should reduce
I/O for complex styles and make multiple styles per
layer a relatively cheap op. TODO: tweak memory_datasource
- Easier to configure
- Correct JSON output
- Handling more than one renderer run (writing pre-/postamble is no longer done in constructor/destructor)
- Collect all attributes required by metawriters
2. PostGIS plug-in - optional 'multiple_geometries' parameter to control how Multi* geometries built.
3. MarkersSymbolizer (work in progress) to render vector shapes (markers) alonh a path with collision detection.
2. Pass resolution to bbox query
3. Use variant<int,double,string> as parameter value e.g in Python:
ds = Raster(file="/path/to/file",lox = 12312.4,.....)
Added extractor facility to work with mapnik::parameter (C++):
mapnik::parameters params;
params["parameter0"] = 123.456;
params["parameter1"] = "123.456"; // initialize with string extract double later
boost::optional<double> val0 = params.get<double>("parameter0");
if (val0)
std::cout << *val0;
// with default value. NOTE: there is no 'parameter2' in params
boost::optional<double> val2 = params.get<double>("parameter2",654.321);
std::cout << * val2;
4. Added Gdal factory method in __init__.py
ds = Gdal(file="/tmp/file.tiff")
Map and Layer objects both have a new parameter 'srs', initialized to "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" by default.
Basic usage (Python):
p = Projection("+proj=merc +datum=WGS84")
point = p.forward(Coord(-2,51))
2.reflected arithmetic operators for Envelope/Coord into Python
3.altered return policies for python objects
4.modified build system to require proj4 lib and headers