Only happens when using older cmake versions. But this was definitly an issue. Target name should be the same on the file (case sensitive)
1.1 KiB
1.1 KiB
Usage with CMake
First clone mapnik from github and initialize submodules
git clone
cd mapnik
git submodule update --init
Make sure that all dependencies are installed.
All available cmake options are listed at the top of CMakeLists.txt.
Pass your options while configuring e.g.: cmake -DBUILD_DEMO_VIEWER=OFF ..
to disable the build of the demo viewer application.
To quickstart open a console in the root mapnik dir and execute the following commands: (Pass all options and dependency dirs after -DBUILD_TEST=OFF
> cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TEST=OFF
> cmake --build build --target install
To use Mapnik in your project add the following lines to your CMakeLists.tzt.
find_package(mapnik CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget ... mapnik::core mapnik::mapnik)
All mapnik executables and targets are exported within mapnikTargets.cmake
The plugin dir is available in the variable MAPNIK_PLUGINS_DIR
The font path is is available in the variable MAPNIK_FONTS_DIR